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Home News

Our partners

Cronoservice cooperates with some prominent companies for the realization of its products both as regards hardware and software components. This allows us to have full control of all production phases [...]

New Headquarters

As part of the growth and business integration, Cronoservice and the other companies of the group have moved in recent months to the new headquarters in Giussano in Via Monte [...]

Software applications for Crono MX30KW

Thanks to the collaboration between Cronoservice and Rampoldi X-Ray, historic manufacturer of High frequency X-Ray systems characterized by a strong high-tech vision, we are pleased to announce the improvement of [...]

New Year, New Gear!

Con l'avvento del nuovo anno Crono Service ha deciso di soddisfare le sue necessità di crescita e innovazione tecnologica assumendo un nuovo assetto societario e stabilendosi in un contesto produttivo [...]

VMX – 5-9 Giugno, 2021

Durante il periodo impegnativo che tutti stiamo affrontando, Rampoldi X-Ray da grande valore all’opportunità di incontrare clienti e veterinari provenienti da tutto il mondo: per questo siamo lieti di invitarvi [...]